Kepler Energy
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Chairman and Chief Executive:

Sean Westrope. He is a Chartered Engineer with international corporate and commercial experience in delivering complex asset based capital investments. He has a strong background in commercial engineering, and has recently been responsible for establishing the key commercial relationships for Crossrail and for restructuring Westinghouse Nuclear for the DTI.

Commercial Director:

Peter Dixon. Peter is a Chartered Engineer and holds an Oxford degree in Engineering and Economics, and an MBA  from London Business School. He has a background in business strategy and development, and was previously Director of Strategy for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, the global professional services firm.


Technical Directors:

Professor Guy Houlsby. Guy is a graduate from Cambridge University and has been Head of the Department of Engineering Science since July 2009.  He has been Professor of Civil Engineering for the last 18 years.  Guy has over 25 years experience of the energy industry specialising in offshore civil and geotechnical engineering principally in the design of offshore foundations with most of his recent work devoted to the renewable industry.  He has very extensive experience of managing research programmes funded both by research councils and industry.


Dr Malcolm McCulloch. Malcolm is a graduate from the University of Witwatersrand and is the Head of the Electrical Power Group in the Engineering Department at Oxford  His current research is focused on sustainable energy technologies and Malcolm’s main contribution to THAWT will be in novel generator systems. He is currently leading two successful ‘spin-outs’ on innovative electric machine technology and on smart feedback metering.


Professor Martin Oldfield. Martin is a First Class Engineering and Applied Maths graduate from Sydney University and is a Senior Research Fellow in Engineering Science. He has 35 years experience in turbomachinery, aerodynamics and heat transfer and has managed major research projects for Rolls Royce, QinetiQ and the EU.   

 Kepler Energy. 2013.